A forever home for all animals who have been abused, neglected, or forced to feel unloved.
Rescued Ranch Residents
Meet the rescued residents of Lazy J Rescue Ranch! Each animal has a unique story of resilience and hope that led them to find sanctuary here. Take a moment to learn about their incredible journeys. If one of these stories touches your heart, consider sponsoring a resident on a monthly basis to support their ongoing care and help us continue providing a forever home for other animals in need.

Sponsored by JoEllen J.
Barney is a gentle giant who found his way to Lazy J Rescue Ranch in December 2021, arriving with seven other rescues. He was part of a group of 15 animals saved from a dire situation. The animals belonged to a couple who had been trying to breed and sell animals while keeping a few as pets. Unfortunately, financial hardships and the sudden loss of their home forced them to consider selling the animals for meat or abandoning them altogether. Thankfully, they reached out to local rescues, and with teamwork, we managed to save all but one animal, who tragically couldn’t recover from years of neglect. Barney is calm, quiet, and missing one of his middle toes, which makes him uniquely sympathetic to others with special needs. He’s especially close to Rubble and Responsibility, two ladies who are both missing their feet. Barney spends all his time protecting and cuddling with them, forming a heartwarming trio of resilience and care.

Batman’s story began with abandonment. When his owners moved away, they left behind Batman, his bonded pig brother Penguin, and several guinea fowl, peafowl, and cats on a local property. In April 2024, the new owners reached out to us, and when we arrived, we discovered that Batman and Penguin were around 5 years old and had likely never received proper vet care. Their hooves were severely overgrown, making it painful & difficult for them to walk. Their tusks had grown so long they were pushing into their cheeks, causing pain and infection. On top of this, they were over 200 pounds overweight, which had led to fat-induced deafness and blindness. Sadly, the years of neglect took a toll on Penguin’s health, and he didn’t survive, but Batman is slowly making a remarkable recovery. He’s gaining strength and getting healthier every day. Batman enjoys his quiet moments, indulging in apples, napping in the mud, and—though not thrilled about it—getting his necessary exercise. Though he misses his best friend, he’s learning to enjoy his new life and Christopher 🐖 has taken him in!

Sponsored by Tiffany H.
Bernie joined the ranch in December 2021 at nearly 2 years old. He arrived alongside 7 others, all in desperate need of vet care and infested with lice and mites. Initially the embodiment of a classic “Billy Goat” — bossy, smelly, and brimming with confidence — Bernie has since undergone an incredible transformation. After being neutered, his sweet and curious nature began to shine. He’s now eager to connect with humans and playful with all his new animal friends. Bernie’s rescue was part of a larger effort to save 15 animals from a challenging situation. Their former owners, who had been breeding/selling goats and keeping a few as pets, faced financial hardship and sudden homelessness. Left with few options, they considered selling the animals for meat or abandoning them. Thankfully, they reached out to local rescues and sanctuaries instead.

Sponsored by JoEllen J.
Betty White joined Lazy J Rescue Ranch in August 2020 as a sassy senior hen with plenty of personality. No longer laying eggs due to her age, she faced a grim ultimatum: move out or become supper. Thankfully, her young caretaker, who adored her chickens, couldn’t bear that fate for Betty and reached out to us for help. With her flawless Golden Girls hairdo and her distinctive walk, Betty White is truly one of a kind. She’s missing a foot but doesn’t let that slow her down—she loves racing at top speed, indulging in treats, and cozying up at night with two of our other footless ladies, Tiny and Jordan.

When Butter came to us as a young goat in March 2020, he was heartbroken. His twin sister had been sold, and left alone, Butter's spirit started to fade. His family saw his deep sadness & failing body so started to search for a place he could heal. Butter found that safe space here just as we were mourning the loss of our very first rescue goat, Patches, to old age. Right away, he and Miles, another of our rescue goats, also missing his companion, formed an unbreakable bond and became the best of friends. To this day, Butter brings boundless energy to the ranch. He’s the ultimate friend-maker, happy to play with anyone, big or small, pig or goat, horned or not. He spreads joy to everyone he meets even while battling a chronic condition that requires weekly meds to prevent painful (& at times, fatal) urinary stones.

Chocolate arrived at the ranch in September 2021 with her best friend, Tink. At a dairy goat farm, she was deemed unwanted due to a rare goat disease affecting her ability to breed and putting her at risk for arthritis and nerve damage. After leaving the farm, Chocolate & Tink found a new home, but they faced hardships there too. The horses they shared a pasture with treated them poorly, and their owner struggled for months to find them a safe place. Chocolate & Tink were often seen as ‘unwanted’ or even potential supper. But their story took a beautiful turn when they came to the ranch! Chocolate is one of the friendliest goats you’ll ever meet—she loves humans more than anything and will do just about anything for a little attention. To this day she remains a steadfast companion to Tink, following each other everywhere and snuggling close every night. These two share an unbreakable bond, and we’re so grateful they’re safe, loved, & together here at Lazy J Rescue Ranch.

Chris is a mixed breed goat who arrived at the ranch in December of 2021 when he was almost 1 year old along with 7 other rescues who were lice and mite infested and in need of vet care. Chris was very unsocialized, shy, and scared but with time, he is warming up to humans and showing that he can stand his own with the bigger goats. Chris was rescued along with 15 other animals from a couple that was attempting to breed/sell goats and have a few pets of their own. They ran into some financial issues, abruptly lost their house, and were contemplating selling the animals for meat or abandoning them. Thankfully they reached out to local rescues and sanctuaries instead and with help, we were able to work together to save all but 1 of the animals who unfortunately was very ill due to years of neglect.

Christopher’s journey to Lazy J Rescue Ranch is nothing short of remarkable. He was rescued by a compassionate local family after falling off an overcrowded livestock transport truck that hadn’t been properly secured. Initially, the family planned to raise him for food, but as they got to know his goofy, friendly, and dog-like personality, they couldn’t bring themselves to follow through. Instead, they chose to give him the chance at a long, happy life in sanctuary. Christopher arrived at the ranch in March 2024. He bears a tear in his ear, likely from the removal of a numbered identification tag—a reminder of his past. But here, he’ll never be just a number again. Christopher is playful, funny, and endlessly friendly. He loves carrying branches, building cozy beds, and nothing makes him happier than a good belly rub.

Sponsored by Heather Whyte Johnson
After spending her first 3 years cramped in a filthy dog kennel with her siblings Tiny, Lucky, & Chester, Clover finally found freedom at Lazy J in August 2019. Since then, she has embraced her spacious coop and run, often soaring through the air! Clover loves roosting up high and is known for her nurturing spirit—it's common to find one of her flock mates safely nestled under her wing at night. Despite her small size, she has a huge heart for protecting those around her.

Sponsored by Heather Whyte Johnson
Conor came to us on his own terms. He appeared in our woods after being dumped or abandoned, keeping his distance and hiding near the river. Slowly but surely, he began venturing closer to the yard, though he refused to let us approach him. After several failed attempts to lure him with traps full of delicious food, Conor finally took the bait in April 2024. With no one coming forward to claim him, we stepped in to ensure he was cared for. He was vaccinated, neutered, treated for fleas, ticks, and worms, and spent time in quarantine. Once a frightened & skittish cat, Conor has undergone an incredible transformation. He’s now a social butterfly who loves being by any human’s side at all times. These days, there’s little that doesn’t bring him joy. While Skidz tolerates him and Romeo keeps a watchful eye from the window, Conor fills his days with naps in the coziest spots, indulging in treats, soaking up attention, and curiously watching the tortoises.

Sponsored by Sara Middleton
Rescued from the shut down of Cricket Hollow Roadside Zoo in December 2019, Crawford came to us with his mom, Bermuda. Both were among around 400 animals suffering in poor conditions and lacking basic cares. When they arrived, Crawford & Bermuda were frightened, matted, and underweight. Sadly, Bermuda soon fell ill due to her history of no preventative care, and despite every effort on our end, she didn’t survive. 9 month old Crawford, now grieving and alone, quickly found comfort and joy amongst our other rescued animals. He’s grown into quite the gentleman, making friends across the ranch and winning everyone’s hearts with his gentle kisses & lovable personality. Now, as our only llama, Crawford considers himself part of the goat herd!

Sponsored by Brooke Hathaway
At just a few days old, DD faced a terrifying ordeal when a stranger cruelly kicked him into a body of water. Fortunately, a caring couple witnessed this, and, recognizing that as a young, domestic duck he wouldn’t survive alone in the wild, they rescued him on the spot in July 2024 and brought him to the ranch, where he now enjoys a safe, peaceful life of sanctuary. DD, a runner duck, has grown remarkably since his arrival and is always brimming with happiness and playfulness, especially when he’s with his animal or human friends. He loves trailing behind Haley around the yard, splashing in water, singing, snacking on fruits and veggies, and spending time with his best friends, Keith & Huckleberry!

Dolly was surrendered back in February 2018 after suffering abuse and being accused of not getting along with her previous owner’s other pets. We were contacted and Dolly quickly found her forever home with us. She instantly bonded with Haley, but initially was terrified of men and would cower in fear around Tyler. Over time, she learned that humans can be friends, and now she sticks as close as she can to them every chance she gets! Dolly’s heart is as big as her gentle frame, and she’s bonded with everyone here, from goats and sheep to llamas, chickens, pigs, cats, and even our mini-cow. Her journey took a turn in January 2023 when she was diagnosed with Chondrosarcoma after a tumor was found near her spinal cord. Dolly underwent surgery, completed 4 rounds of palliative radiotherapy, & has been in remission with no negative symptoms since. Then, in January 2024, she faced another major health challenge—a colonic torsion. She survived a risky surgery, made a full recovery, and has returned to her playful self. Even after all she's been through, some of her favorite hobbies are still running super fast around the ranch, playing with the goats (especially Butter), cuddling with humans, hanging out with pigs (& stealing their food), and wandering around with her toys.

Sponsored by The Cordray Family
Ginger joined the ranch in December 2021, along with seven other rescues. She was part of a larger group of 15 animals saved from a couple who had been trying to breed and sell animals while keeping a few as pets. When financial struggles caused them to lose their home, they faced the difficult decision of either selling the animals for meat or abandoning them. Thankfully, they chose to reach out to local rescues and sanctuaries, and together, we managed to save all but one animal, who sadly passed away due to years of neglect. Ginger, however, has thrived—she’s quick, crafty, and knows how to dodge like a pro if you come between her and her treats!

Sponsored by Laurie T.
Hamilton arrived at the ranch in May 2023, just before his 7th birthday. Previously, he was a “bougie” city pig, enjoying life in a lovely home with a kind family in a big city. Moving to the ranch was a major transition but Hamilton has settled in beautifully and is loving his new surroundings. His former family faced unique challenges in caring for him due to nearby vets being unable to meet his needs, causing the management of his health and happiness to become increasingly difficult. When he arrived at the ranch, Hamilton had a few pounds to lose, persistent allergies causing a runny nose, mange, and serious dental infections. After a period in quarantine, multiple vet & dental visits, and medications, Hamilton’s health has significantly improved. He's fully integrated with the ranch family and has even bonded with Oreo. The two are often found cuddling or exploring together. Hamilton is curious, stubborn, vocal, and hilarious. His happy, squeaky snort and love for belly rubs have him winning over everyone's hearts!

Herman’s journey to the ranch in August 2024 was a long and emotional one. For the first 11 years of his life, he lived on the same property, surrounded by many animal friends who came and went, though his human caregivers remained consistent. Unfortunately, in his final year there, his care & attention from humans declined due to medical & personal challenges. After months of effort to secure him a spot in a sanctuary, Herman finally made it to the ranch. However, the stress of the trailer ride left him severely disoriented, motion sick, & dehydrated, resulting in a serious illness. Thanks to round-the-clock care over several days, Herman made a remarkable recovery. Now, his true personality is shining through. He’s incredibly friendly, loves munching on grass, and enjoys having his neck rubbed.

Hillary Fluff joined us in October 2022. She came from a local farmer who, facing financial struggles, was unable to afford feed for his flock, leaving them hungry and vulnerable. Sadly, the night before our rescue, nearly half the flock was lost to predators due to an insecure coop. We were able to convince him to release 29 hens into our care. 5, including Hillary Fluff, stayed to call the ranch home, while the remaining 24 were placed in loving, safe homes. Once one of those hungry hens, Hillary Fluff now spends her days strutting proudly, showing off her fancy feathered feet, sleeping in late, and heading to bed early.

Sponsored by The Cordray Family
Huckleberry’s journey to us began in Wisconsin, where he was thrown from the roof of a bar during an annual festival. In this town tradition, chickens are tossed from the roof for the crowd below to catch & claim, often leading to trauma, injuries, and harsh treatment. Those who escape are at risk of frostbite and predators as they hide on rooftops and in trees. Lucky for Huckleberry, he was rescued by Little Cluckers Microsanctuary, who reached out to us, knowing he’d need a safe, enclosed space to call home after such a traumatic start. Since coming here in March 2023, Huckleberry has shown his resilient, fiery spirit. He’s vocal, takes excellent care of his ladies, and has even made friends with the other roosters in the flock!

Jordan came to us in February 2024 when we found her lying by the side of the road, injured and struggling after falling from a chicken transport semi. Despite the trauma—severe road rash, broken bones, and a fractured beak—she showed incredible resilience. We rushed her to our veterinarian, who found bones protruding through her skin and determined that the severity of her injuries required amputation. Now, Jordan gets by with one wing and one foot, but she’s adapted beautifully! She moves around with confidence, snuggles at night with her two footless friends, Tiny and Betty White, and adores basking in the sun—a new joy for her that she’d never experienced before falling from the truck, and one that originally scared her.

Sponsored by Heather Whyte Johnson
Keith, a guinea fowl, arrived at Lazy J Rescue Ranch in November 2021 after an unexpected detour to city life. In May of that year, he mysteriously appeared in the yard of a kind woman in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Over the next six months, she cared for him lovingly, spoiled him with attention, and let him roost in her tree. However, as winter approached, she realized he needed a safer, more suitable home and reached out to us. While Keith may have enjoyed his urban adventure, he’s truly thriving as a country guinea. He’s become fast friends with our flock of chickens and other birds. His favorite activities include scratching around, chattering loudly with his flock & humans, playing chase with his buddies, and perching as high as possible in the coop at night, where he loves snuggling up with Pepsi, one of his chicken friends.

Sponsored by Alan & Lisa Hagie
Lambert, our Babydoll sheep, was rescued from downtown Des Moines in June 2020, along with his goat brother Roebuck. Known for their smiles, Babydolls are friendly by nature, but when we first met Lambert, he was a bit different — super woolly, overweight, and lethargic. While in quarantine, we discovered he had a UTI and bladder stones, likely from an unbalanced, grain-heavy diet without pasture. With medication, a healthy diet, exercise, and a good shearing, Lambert transformed into a happy, vibrant sheep. Today, he’s everyone’s friend (human or animal), adores pineapple, and will do anything for a nose rub. Lambert’s radiant smile has been with him every step of his journey!

Sponsored by The Jones Family
Tortellini, Linguini, and Lasagna are three tortoises who joined Lazy J Rescue Ranch after their teen caregiver lost interest and could no longer give them the attention they needed. Although the family did their best to provide for them, a family injury brought on financial and time constraints, leading them to make the heartfelt decision to seek a better life for the trio. They arrived at the ranch in May 2024 and have brought a unique dynamic as our only reptiles. Tortellini, the largest of the group, is a Sulcata tortoise who loves basking in the sun, snacking on fruit, roaming the yard, and keeping his distance from his two smaller companions. Linguini, the medium-sized member of the group, is a Hermann's tortoise with a knack for digging in his wood chips, climbing anything in sight, and pestering Tortellini at every opportunity. Lasagna, the smallest of the three and also a Hermann's tortoise, faces unique challenges. Born without eyes due to a vitamin deficiency, he has struggled with health issues. To give him the best chance at recovery, he has been placed with a tortoise specialist who is working diligently to improve his condition.

Sponsored by J&J Candles
Loretta, a miniature zebu born in May 2022, faced a challenging start to life. Unable to bear weight on her right front leg, her previous owner labeled her as “defective,” believing she wasn’t “good enough” to sell or breed. Fortunately, she was surrendered to the ranch in September 2022, where a vet determined her leg injury was caused by untreated trauma at birth. During her first winter, Loretta’s small & fragile body couldn’t handle the cold, so she lived indoors as a "house cow" to receive special care. Her inspiring story caught the attention of The Wizard of Paws (Season 6, Episode 6), where Derrick Campana from Bionic Pets crafted a custom prosthesis to improve her mobility while Nomadica Films caught it all on film. Loretta adapted instantly and can now keep up with her friends and explore the pasture with ease. She has formed strong bonds here, especially with Lambert 🐑, who she showers with licks, and Dolly 🐕, who she bonded with during her first winter. Loretta is living proof that she is anything but “defective"!

Sponsored by The Cordray Family
Lyla arrived here in August 2024, a young sheep with a big heart & an even bigger story. She spent her first 9 months in the show sheep world, lovingly cared for by a dedicated teen who fell in love with her. But when Lyla sustained a back leg injury, her future seemed uncertain. Despite advice from her chapter leader to send Lyla to slaughter and the chapter's unwillingness to pursue vet care, this teen bravely refused to give up on her. She reached out to us, hoping for a life of sanctuary for Lyla—a choice that got her removed from FFA but earned our endless admiration. Lyla’s injury turned out to be a fractured femur, requiring an amputation. She continues to get around well on 3 legs but is in need of a brace for her other back leg to help it have lots of strength so she can ambulate with more ease. Lyla is as sweet and friendly as they come, thriving with her new friend Lambert 🐑, & enjoying all the nose scratches she can get!

Maple arrived in May 2024 after a devastating injury to her leg. She had lived happily with a large family of goats until one day she got caught in a cattle trailer bumper, leaving her leg badly broken. Her previous caregivers tried to heal it with a wrap, but the break didn’t heal, and ultimately, Maple lost the bottom portion of her leg. Unable to afford the vet care she needed and fearful they might have to euthanize her, they reached out to us for help. When Maple first arrived, she was battling a severe infection. With months of daily bandage changes, weeks of antibiotics, and multiple vet visits, she’s now fully healed and has blossomed into an incredibly sweet goat. Due to the strain on her remaining legs, she tires easily, so we’re currently fundraising to get her a prosthetic limb. Maple loves basking in the sun, munching on animal crackers, and spending time with her best friends, Loretta 🐄 and Crawford 🦙!

Miles, a Pygmy Angora goat, arrived at Lazy J Rescue Ranch in July 2019 when he was about 3 years old. He came from a hoarding situation where the animals were no longer receiving proper care. Underweight, matted, and shy, Miles was in desperate need of a safe, healthy, and loving home—and he found just that here. Today, Miles has transformed into the chunkiest, bossiest, and most attention-seeking goat at the ranch. Despite his bold personality, he’s also one of the most affectionate! Miles loves basking in the sun, soaking up all the skritches, poking his nose into everyone’s business, and headbutting anything that makes noise.

Sponsored by Sarah G.
Mo was raised as a “hen”…or so his former family thought! But when he began to crow, they realized he was indeed a rooster, something that happens very often with eggs & chicks from hatcheries & stores. Sadly, many towns and farms don’t allow roosters, and without a safe place to go, many of these beautiful birds face tragic fates. Mo’s former family went to great lengths, even trying to move to a rooster-friendly area, but when that proved too challenging, they brought Mo to the ranch in October 2024. He’s learning the ropes, meeting his new flock through safe introductions, and making his presence very known with his crowing – loud, proud, and oh so Mo!

Mumbles arrived at the ranch with her pig sister, Ruby, after a local dog rescue saved them from a grim fate. These two girls were on their way to slaughter before they got a new start, but they needed a big, safe area to roam without the risk of highway traffic. They came to the ranch as our very first pasture friends in June of 2019, each around 2 years old. Big, bossy, and lovable, Mumbles quickly settled into ranch life! She’s known for her smarts, her love of treats, and those occasional fence-pushing adventures (though we haven’t seen any in a while 🤫!). Her favorite activities include sunbathing, cuddling up on chilly days, and getting scratches behind the ears. She might even believe she’s one of the ranch’s big dogs!

Sponsored by The Johnson Law Firm, PLC
Normor is large and in charge! As a Cornish Cross rooster, he was bred to grow fast for meat production, intended to live only 8 weeks. But Normor’s story took a powerful turn toward freedom and resilience. From nearly discarded, struggling to survive, to thriving as a beloved member of the ranch. We found him at a local feed store in March 2023, lifeless, dehydrated, and isolated from healthy birds, feed, & water. With care and syringed water on the way home, Normor sprang back to life, happily chirping and showing his will to survive. Now, at over 1.5 years old, Normor is proof that with the right care, Cornish Cross chickens can live long, happy lives. At 17 pounds, he has a private suite in the coop and is known for his booming crow and friendly personality!

Sponsored by Alan & Lisa Hagie
Oreo’s journey to the ranch started with a daring escape! Originally from Texas, he was on his way to Indiana but took a detour, slipping away from his grandma’s house in Iowa to hide in a cornfield for days. When he finally arrived at the ranch in November 2019, Oreo wasn’t exactly thrilled with the cold Iowa weather (or with us!). His arthritis, combined with a little extra weight, made him wary of moving around, leading to some “knee walking” at first. Since then, Oreo’s come a long way! Thanks to his arthritis meds, a lighter diet, and time, he’s grown accustomed to Iowa’s climate and even made a few friends—including us & Hamilton! Today, he enjoys long naps in the sun, belly rubs, munching on mulberries, treats, & skillfully dodging playtime with Butter.

Sponsored by Jeff & Drenna Wiles
Panda was born with some extraordinary differences—no eyeballs, a mispositioned back end, and only half a tail. When the farm where she was born planned to end her life at just 3 days old, a compassionate animal lover stepped in and saved her. She spent her first two years under their care, but when life circumstances changed, Panda needed a new home. Most were only interested in Panda for her ability to put food on the table, but then she found us, and we welcomed her with open arms in October 2024! Despite her blindness, Panda is incredibly smart and sweet, greeting us every chance she gets, loving nose and chin scratches, soaking up the sun, and snacking on her favorites—apples, rolls, and most recently—pumpkins!

Sponsored by Heather Whyte Johnson
Patty is a resilient pea-hen who found her way to us after being abandoned on a local property. When her previous owners moved away, they left behind Patty, two bonded pig brothers, and several other free-range animals. In April 2024, the new property owners reached out for help, and during our visit, we noticed Patty struggling to keep up with the others. She had lost a foot, likely to frostbite from being left without proper shelter during the harsh winter, and her wound was still in the healing process. After several attempts, we managed to catch her and begin her recovery journey. We treated her leg, ensured the wound healed without infection, and provided pain relief to make the process more comfortable. Now, Patty thrives alongside her mixed flock, enjoys exploring new treats, and can live her life without ever needing to fend for herself again.

Sponsored by Heather Whyte Johnson
Pepsi earned her name in the most obvious way possible, she was found living on top of a Pepsi Machine in Eagle Grove back in September of 2021! She had spent some time wandering the neighborhood, and was quickly wearing out her welcome by digging in people's flowerbeds looking for bugs. Luckily we were alerted to her impending fate and were able to catch her at night, nested up in her favorite spot on top of her pop machine. Pepsi loves her new friends, forcing herself into their personal space at any and all times, whether they are trying to lay an egg, or are taking a dust bath, she will gladly invite herself to join them.

Sponsored by Chase Fitzpatrick
This sweet girl arrived at the ranch in October 2022 after a rough start. A local farmer, overwhelmed and unable to care for his flock, had struggled to feed and protect them. Tragically, predators claimed nearly half of the flock the night before we arrived, but we were able to rescue 29 hens, including Responsibility. Responsibility, who lost both feet, never lost her calm, yet spicy at times, spirit. She loves to relax and snuggle up with Rubble and Barney, grateful for her new life.

Sponsored by S Katherine Clarke
Robbie’s story is shrouded in mystery. What we do know is that he has a large identification tattoo in his ear, suggesting he was once used for showing. We also know he’s a couple of years old and in great shape, indicating he was well cared for at some point. The biggest question is how he ended up on a highway near our sanctuary in November 2024. Despite thousands of people viewing and sharing his post, it seems his former family may have simply discarded him once they were done with him. Domestic rabbits like Robbie, especially ones as sweet and friendly as he is, lack the survival instincts needed to thrive in the wild. Thankfully, he was quickly spotted on the highway by a compassionate couple who brought him to the ranch for safety. Robbie has since settled into his new home wonderfully—he’s curious, cuddly, fast, and most importantly, he now has the peace of mind knowing that his future is secure. He will live out the rest of his days surrounded by love and care, as a cherished member of the Lazy J family.

Sponsored by Amy Jo
Roebuck began his new life at the ranch in June 2020. He’s a lively Pygmy goat we rescued straight out of downtown Des Moines, Iowa, just blocks from Court Ave., along with his sheep brother, Lambert. Roebuck has proven he’s a country boy at heart, loving every bit of the open space here. He quickly bonded with his goat friends and has traded the garage and small yard he once knew for wide-open land to explore. Now, when he makes his occasional fence escape, he can roam safely without the worry of city traffic!

Sponsored by The Cordray Family
Romeo joined Lazy J Rescue Ranch in May 2023 after being abandoned near a local golf course. With his lovable and friendly nature, he quickly became the beloved "neighborhood cat." However, his safety and the community’s peace of mind were at risk. Romeo frequently crossed a dangerously busy highway, contributed to the growing cat population, and caused damage to golf course sheds, carts, and equipment. To address these concerns and protect the lives of nine cats and kittens in the area, we partnered with the Wright County Humane Society to kickstart their TNR program. Romeo instantly bonded with us, and it became clear he was destined to live his best life at the ranch. Now, he’s a friend to all, intrigued by any animal he meets. His favorite pastimes include napping on the couch, playing with toys, bossing around Dolly & Vinny 🐕, and soaking up attention from every human he encounters. Romeo is the definition of a lover, spreading joy wherever he goes.

Sponsored by Chase Fitzpatrick
This sweet girl arrived at the ranch in October 2022 after a rough start. A local farmer, overwhelmed and unable to care for his flock, had struggled to feed and protect them. Tragically, predators claimed nearly half of the flock the night before we arrived, but we were able to rescue 29 hens, including Rubble. Rubble, who lost both feet, keeps her activity low-key, spending her days snuggling with her footless bestie Responsibility and her boyfriend Barney.

Ruby & her pig sister, Mumbles, joined us after being rescued from a grim fate by our local dog rescue, who intercepted them on their way to slaughter. Although their journey started with a fresh beginning, they needed more space to roam and a safer environment away from the highway—especially since they have a knack for testing fences (though, let’s keep it quiet, they haven’t done that in months!). In June 2019, they became our very first pasture residents, settling in at around two years old. Ruby is big, bossy, incredibly smart, and so lovable. She enjoys all the treats, basking in the sun, snuggling, and ear scratches. Her playful personality and love for human interaction shows that she's really just an oversized dog.

Russell arrived at Lazy J Rescue Ranch in December 2021 at about 5 years old, alongside seven other rescues in urgent need of care. Like his companions, Russell was infested with lice and mites and required immediate vet attention. Despite his rough start, Russell has become a gentle giant at the ranch, stepping into the role of a father figure for his goat friends and soaking up every bit of human affection he can get. Russell was part of a group of 15 animals rescued from a challenging situation. The animals belonged to a couple who had been attempting to breed and sell animals while keeping a few as pets. However, financial struggles and the sudden loss of their home forced them to consider selling the animals for meat or abandoning them. Fortunately, they reached out to local rescues for help. Thanks to a collective effort, all but one of the animals—who tragically couldn’t recover from years of neglect—were saved. Today, Russell thrives as a loving, protective presence in his herd, a symbol of resilience and care.

Skidz's story is less dramatic than many of the animals at Lazy J Rescue Ranch because she was actually a surprise birth here in May 2020. Her personality is like a roller coaster—full of ups and downs. Some days, she's all about attention, soaking up pets, cuddles, and playtime. Other days, she prefers to retreat to the barn for some alone time—and honestly, who can blame her? Skidz is lovable, lightning-fast, and sneakily charming. While she’s slow to warm up to new faces and furry friends, once she does, she has a way of stealing hearts. Her favorite activities include lounging in the straw room, swatting at anything that moves, basking in the sunshine, and playing tag with her buddy Conor.

Sponsored by Alan & Lisa Hagie
Tink arrived in September 2021 alongside her best friend, Chocolate. A retired dairy goat, Tink was deemed unwanted due to her age, inability to breed, and her swollen, scarred udders from years of milking. Despite finding a new home together, she and Chocolate faced challenges when the horses they shared a pasture with treated them poorly. Their owner spent months searching for a safe and loving environment for them but struggled to find anyone who saw them as more than a burden—or worse, a meal. But their story took a beautiful turn when they came to the ranch. Tink has a spirited personality & zest for life, she confidently keeps the younger goats in check and eagerly greets any human at the fence for some attention. She still shares an unbreakable bond with Chocolate, and we’re so grateful they’re safe, loved, & together.

Sponsored by Jayde H.
After spending her first 3 years cramped in a filthy dog kennel with her siblings Clover, Lucky, & Chester, Tiny finally found freedom at Lazy J in August 2019. These terrible conditions left her with badly infected feet. Over time, she lost both feet but has learned to walk on her “nubs” with incredible skill and doesn’t let it slow her down one bit! Tiny now spends her retirement in style, enjoying sunbaths by day and cuddling up with her fellow footless friends, Betty White and Jordan, by night.

Tortellini, Linguini, and Lasagna are three tortoises who joined Lazy J Rescue Ranch after their teen caregiver lost interest and could no longer give them the attention they needed. Although the family did their best to provide for them, a family injury brought on financial and time constraints, leading them to make the heartfelt decision to seek a better life for the trio. They arrived at the ranch in May 2024 and have brought a unique dynamic as our only reptiles. Tortellini, the largest of the group, is a Sulcata tortoise who loves basking in the sun, snacking on fruit, roaming the yard, and keeping his distance from his two smaller companions. Linguini, the medium-sized member of the group, is a Hermann's tortoise with a knack for digging in his wood chips, climbing anything in sight, and pestering Tortellini at every opportunity. Lasagna, the smallest of the three and also a Hermann's tortoise, faces unique challenges. Born without eyes due to a vitamin deficiency, he has struggled with health issues. To give him the best chance at recovery, he has been placed with a tortoise specialist who is working diligently to improve his condition.

Vinny was found abandoned in the countryside and brought to Moffitt Animal Shelter in a severely emaciated state. With the shelter at capacity and his need for specialized rehab to safely regain weight, it was clear he required a knowledgeable, dedicated home. In September 2024, Vinny arrived at Lazy J Rescue Ranch, 75 pounds underweight, with burned paw pads from hot cement, overgrown toenails, sores from prolonged confinement in a small kennel, and a broken tail. Despite the neglect and hardships he endured, Vinny's spirit remains remarkably unbroken. He is unfailingly friendly and loving, now thriving at the ranch, enjoying chores with Tyler, running with Dolly, gazing out windows with Romeo, attempting to play with his new pig friends, and, of course, savoring his meals.